WRAP #83: Creative spirits and 60 Seconds with Vahideh Eisaei

December tends to be a month of wrapping things up, in more ways than one. As the year draws to a close, we start to focus on endings: finalising publications, finishing projects and farewelling staff.

Endings, however, are also beginnings. Just last week, a fantastic ending became a new beginning when Minister Gabrielle Williams launched our latest publication, Workplace Equality: A model for preventing violence against migrant and refugee women, and announced additional funding to continue our Equality@Work project. We are already busy planning the next phase of the project, but in the meantime, we hope this resource is useful to you in building migrant women’s leadership in your workplace.

We are so grateful to all the funders, sponsors and partners, who believe in and actively support our work to increase migrant women’s opportunities for health, well being and safety. We couldn’t do this without you.

We look forward to seeing you all at our Advancing the Evidence: Migrant Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Conference in February. We are thrilled to announce that Canadian ObGyn and Public Health scientist Dr Alice Han will be one of our international keynote speakers! It’s going to be an amazing opportunity to focus on the sexual and reproductive priorities for migrant and refugee women in Australia. If you haven’t registered yet, earlybird tickets are still on sale until the end of 2019.

Until next year,
The WRAP Team