WRAP #70: Multicultural Centre for Women's Health turned 40 in style!

We did it! Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health has turned 40 and we are feeling stronger and healthier than ever!

After many months of planning and counting down the days, last Thursday MCWH celebrated 40 years of history at our Migrant Women Matter Gala at the gorgeous Langham Hotel. After a beautiful Welcome to Country offered by Auntie Julieanne Axford, guests enjoyed three courses of delicious food, two incredible musical performances from Mojo Juju and Thando, one amazing keynote speech from Michelle Law and much hugging and reminiscing from everyone on the dance floor. Not to mention the silent auction, photo booth and birthday cake!

We’ve put together some highlights from the night that meant so much to past and current staff and board members, health educators, and of course the thousands of multicultural women MCWH has helped every day since 1978. We hope those of you who couldn’t make it get to vicariously share the joy of the night with us.

There are many many people to thank for making the evening so special: too long a list for this little newsletter! Thank you to our major event sponsor, Costa Group, to event sponsors The Heart Foundation, Cititec and Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Council of Australia.

Until next time,
The WRAP Team