The WRAP #43- Quality bilingual support, Leadership for Gender Equality, and 60 seconds with Sonali Deshpande

June has been a busy time at MCWH- we have reflected on the work we have done in the last financial year and have been busy planning and strategising on what we want to achieve as we enter the next twelve months and beyond!

Given our work in bilingual health education, in this month’s WRAP we revisit the importance of multilingual health services for empowering women to make choices about their bodies and why it’s important that these services are of the highest quality and use culturally appropriate and accurate information.

Following the theme of women’s empowerment, we are thrilled to be running our PACE Leadership Program next month to help build immigrant and refugee women’s capacity to take up leadership opportunities in the aged care sector and we examine why this approach is a culturally appropriate way to achieve gender equality in the workplace.

Our 60 Seconds interview is with the fabulous Sonali Deshpande, who was a MCWH bilingual educator in her previous life and is now doing great work at Victoria Police.

Until next time,
The WRAP Team