The WRAP #42 – Personal politics, accessing services  and 60 seconds with Yassmin Abdel-Magied

Hello Wrappers!

As May flew right by, most of us would have had the privilege to spend Mothers Day with the special women in our lives. At MCWH, all of us have mothers or are ourselves mothers who are from immigrant or refugee backgrounds. We have all heard first-hand the stories, the struggles, the sacrifice and the uncertainty that comes with migrating to a new home, or being forced to leave one. This month we look at how the stereotypes that portray immigrant and refugee women (particularly in the media) as naive, vulnerable and as not contributing to society, strips women of the opportunity to tell their personal stories of strength, resilience and determination.

We also examine how immigrant and refugee women access services and recognise that there are huge gaps and barriers in providing women with services that are already strained.

We chat to Yassmin Abdel-Magied, and her reflections on migrating to Australia and working in the refugee health sector.

Lastly but certainly not least, White Ribbon commissioned MCWH to write a research report titled, ‘Key issues in working with men from immigrant and refugee communities in preventing violence against women’.

It is our absolute pleasure to present it here.

Until next time,
The WRAP Team