Submission into the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Support Needs for Older Victorians from Migrant and Refugee Backgrounds

We are proud to share our Submission into the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Support Needs for Older Victorians from Migrant and Refugee Backgrounds.

Read a PDF copy of our Submission to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Support Needs for Older Victorians from Migrant and Refugee Backgrounds

Read a Word document version of our Submission into the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Support Needs for Older Victorians from Migrant and Refugee Backgrounds

Research shows that older people of migrant and refugee backgrounds are particularly vulnerable to mental health issues. These issues are gendered and migrant and refugee women, including older women, have been found to experience structural, institutional and interpersonal forms of disadvantage that significantly impact their ability to have positive mental health experiences. Additionally, older refugee and migrant women, experience higher rates of psychological morbidity than older refugee and migrant men.

In this submission, we will highlight social isolation and loneliness, family violence and elder abuse as the key issues impacting older migrant and refugee women’s mental health, and discuss key issues for older migrant and refugee carers. We recognise that many other factors also impact on the mental health of older migrant and refugee women and carers.