Submission to the Victorian Family and Community Development Committee Public Inquiry into Perinatal Services

This submission has been developed by the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH), the national voice for immigrant and refugee women’s health and wellbeing. The term ‘immigrant and refugee’ refers to people who have migrated from overseas, and their children.…

Free cross-cultural 'carers' training for health and allied professionals in the City of Monash

Want to improve your support of carers from a CALD background? Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) is offering it’s Beyond Cultural Competency course to professionals in the City of Monash who want to improve their support of carers from…

The WRAP #50- Women's Rights are Human Rights, Broadening our way of thinking, and 60 Seconds with Sarah Shakour

One month into 2017 and there is already so much to reflect on, discuss, lament, and debate. Donald Trump’s transition into power saw an unprecedented uproar in the form of women-led rallies and protests around the world. It seems Trump…