Beyond the baby blues: Submission to the Victorian Family and Community Development Committee Public Inquiry into Perinatal Services

On the one hand, motherhood may seem like one of the most natural things in the world. On the other, it all seems like hard work when the popular benchmarks for motherhood success are ‘yummy mummies’, backyard blitz homes and…

Submission to the Victorian Family and Community Development Committee Public Inquiry into Perinatal Services

This submission has been developed by the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH), the national voice for immigrant and refugee women’s health and wellbeing. The term ‘immigrant and refugee’ refers to people who have migrated from overseas, and their children.…

The early bird

It’s difficult to make an argument against timely antenatal care. All the available research indicates that timely antenatal care leads to better health for mothers, fewer interventions in late pregnancy and positive child health outcomes.  In the case of pregnancy…