The Every Week Counts Campaign has developed fact sheets about the development of your baby towards the end of pregnancy in English, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Hindi and Korean.

The Every Week Counts Campaign has developed fact sheets about the development of your baby towards the end of pregnancy in English, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Hindi and Korean. You can  read more about the Every Week Counts Campaign fact sheet…

Planning for a healthy pregnancy in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Spanish and English.

MotherSafe, The NSW Medications in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Service, and The Royal Hospital for Women have collaboratively developed fact sheets about planning for a healthy pregnancy in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Spanish and English.  You can read more about planning for…

Position Paper on International Student Access to Pregnancy-Related Care

Through the On Your Own research project we undertook in 2011 with international students in Melbourne, we found that the minimum requirements of the Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) Deed pose significant obstacles to female international students who fall pregnant…

Joint Media Release: Culturally-sensitive resources launched to address unacceptably high stillbirth rates

  First Nations women as well as migrant and refugee women from communities disproportionately impacted by stillbirth have been involved in co-designing new culturally appropriate pregnancy resources, to save the lives of babies in their own communities. Stillbirth rates in…

Safety before sales: prioritising international student wellbeing

Australia is a highly sought out study destination for international students, having attracted more than 200,000 enrolments over the last year. International education is often described as one of Australia’s biggest exports and international students, a commodity. It is often…

Calling Australia home: ideas for an equitable housing market

With rental vacancy rates in Australia sitting at just 1.3%, it’s become increasingly common to see queues for rental open-for-inspections spilling out onto the street as competition for private rentals grows tighter. So how do landlords decide who gets the privilege of a…