Multicultural Centre for Women's Health

We advocate, and educate to strengthen the health, wellbeing, safety and leadership of migrant and refugee women in Australia


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Find and request multilingual women's health resources in over 70 languages.

Read about the ways we are addressing key health issues for migrant women.

Read our submissions and policy papers advocating for migrant and refugee women.

Learn more about the training we offer for a variety of settings and workplaces

Our Watch partners with the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health

Our Watch and the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) are proud to announce a new two-year partnership. The organisations will work together to strengthen the prevention of violence against women from migrant and refugee backgrounds. Our Watch CEO, Patty…
White text on purple background. Media Release.

Utilising our diverse workforce: How the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health evolved their national Health in My Language COVID-19 Program to bring a new focus on Sexual and Reproductive Health for migrant and refugee communities

Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) is delighted that migrant and refugee women will receive a funding boost of $1.57m over two years from today’s Victorian 2022/23 budget, for much needed women’s health programs specifically targeting migrant and refugee women across the state.

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