MCWH is a not-for-profit organisation making women’s health work for migrant and refugee women. We believe in health equity and education.
Five things we learnt about preventing FGM/C
The third NETFA Forum, Foundations for Change in Melbourne gathered together a group of amazing women to discuss women’s rights, health and prevention of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). For those of you who couldn’t make it, we’ve put together a list of five key messages that we…
The WRAP #50- Women's Rights are Human Rights, Broadening our way of thinking, and 60 Seconds with Sarah Shakour
One month into 2017 and there is already so much to reflect on, discuss, lament, and debate. Donald Trump’s transition into power saw an unprecedented uproar in the form of women-led rallies and protests around the world. It seems Trump…
Women’s Rights are Human Rights
Those of us who support women’s reproductive rights watched with horror this month as the clock was suddenly turned back on women’s access to health care. Several days into Donald Trump’s presidency the ‘Global Gag Rule’ was reinstated, a signature…
Broadening our frame of thinking
It might just be another public holiday for some but for many more, Australia Day is becoming a topic of growing debate. The question being, why should it continue to be a national day of celebration when it more accurately signifies…
Giving a problem a name
The 16 days of activism against gender-based violence are very special days in the political calendar. Right now, all over the world, including here at home, people are honouring women and girls, and recognising our right to live free of…
The WRAP#47- The transformative power of data, Elder abuse, and 60 Seconds with Melek Cetiner
October has certainly been far from boring. We watched closely as the same-sex plebiscite came and went and continue to watch as it comes back into play. We celebrated International Day of the Girl and Mental Health Week, prompting us…
The Transformative Power of Data
For the majority of teens living in high-income countries ‘data’ is generally associated with mobile phone plans. However, for many more young girls and women living in lower resourced countries around the world, data could literally mean the difference between…
Elder abuse: it’s not just about age
Ageing, as in the grey and wrinkly variety, is rarely spoken about in the youth-obsessed cultures of countries like Australia. The invisibility of older people in the public consciousness is a concern and when older people are treated unfairly and denied opportunities…
Weighing up the costs of migration
Government policy about migration generally focuses on meeting the social and economic needs of the country. Sadly, it’s rarely about the humanitarian (or even just plain old human) aspect or the ways migrants can be supported to help achieve the…