Our Impact

Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health is a vital connection for migrant and refugee women’s health.

A cream coloured tile with the words Annual Report 2020-21 next to an illustration of a group of women standing together. The group looks colourful and bright.

Read our Annual Report 2020-21

Read this document without images in Word.

"MCWH’s work was more relevant and needed than ever, responding to the increasing incidence of COVID-19 in migrant and refugee communities throughout the Victorian outbreaks." An image of Dr Adele Murdolo, the Executive Director, with a quote from her: "MCWH’s success is dependent on our partners, and this year we were so pleased to continue and extend some wonderful collaborations."

MCWH improves migrant and refugee women’s opportunities for health, wellbeing and safety by:

  • providing free and accurate health information and education in languages other than English
  • providing training and advice to organisations and services working with migrant and refugee women
  • promoting gender equality to prevent violence against migrant and refugee women
  • advocating to government and policy-makers about structural inequalities that impact migrant women’s health.