For media inquiries, please contact:
Acting Communications Manager
Kim Grosser
Bilingual health program receives funding boost in preparation for winter flu season.
The Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health is pleased to announce that the National Health in My Language program has been extended to 30 June 2023. In just six months since its launch, over 700 health education sessions have been delivered…
Media Release: Women’s health experts appointed to tackle ‘medical misogyny’
MCWH Executive Director has been appointed as a member of the new National Women’s Health Advisory Council, which will bring together diverse expertise to examine the unique challenges that women and girls experience in the health system.
The Too Hard Basket: Migrant women and the health system
MCWH Research Advocacy and Policy Officer Delaram Ansari spoke to SBS about the barriers that prevent migrant and refugee women from accessing culturally safe sexual and reproductive healthcare.