For media inquiries, please contact:
Acting Communications Manager
Kim Grosser
Media Release: Funding boost for migrant aged care workers to lead primary prevention of violence against women initiatives in the workplace
The Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) and Mercy Health have received funding from the Victorian Government to extend the Equality@Work project, the first gender equality and primary prevention of violence program in Australian workplaces to specifically address the needs…
Launch of a short film to celebrate 40 years of MCWH
MCWH is very proud to share this video of our history, to mark our 40th anniversary. Special thanks and acknowledgement to film maker Fatima Mawas.
Media Release: Multicultural women’s health organisation and aged care provider partnering for the primary prevention of family violence
We are proud to be launching our new project in partnership with Southern Cross Care (Vic)! Equality@Work is the first workplace prevention program in Australia to address gender inequality and other intersecting forms of inequality which make immigrant and refugee…