For media inquiries, please contact:
Acting Communications Manager
Kim Grosser
Building back better: An intersectional feminist approach to COVID-19 recovery
COVID-19 has laid bare the health, social and economic inequities between us, but it has also made us see how connected we all are. Recovery must build on those connections, strengthen them and deepen them, constructing the future on a solid foundation.
Victoria’s coronavirus information mistranslated and outdated for migrant communities
Excerpted from ABC News Live Blog by Erwin Renaldi and Jason Fang on the 27 October 2020. These criticisms of Victoria’s multilingual COVID-19 resources are not new.
COVID-19: Systemic barriers continue to impact on migrant women’s access to information
Dr Adele Murdolo joins ABC News Breakfast for an interview about migrant women’s experiences in accessing COVID-19 information.