For media inquiries, please contact:
Acting Communications Manager
Kim Grosser
Our response to 2022/23 Victorian state budget: A welcome boost to equity and wellbeing for migrant and refugee women
Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) is delighted that migrant and refugee women will receive a funding boost of $1.57m over two years from today’s Victorian 2022/23 budget, for much needed women’s health programs specifically targeting migrant and refugee women across the state.
Media Release: New funding to address the health impacts of FGM/C
MCWH is excited to announce that we will receive $700,000 to deliver activities to address the health impacts of female genital mutilation on women and girls, announced in the Commonwealth Budget 2022-23.
Victorian Women are sick of small change: Underinvestment in women’s health increases illness and depression
Today CEOs of Victoria’s 12 women’s health services, along with Rainbow Health Australia, are calling for an immediate uplift in investment to secure the health and wellbeing of Victorian women, following the release of alarming data which shows Victorian women have gotten sicker, more anxious and depressed since the commencement of the COVID19 pandemic.