MCWH’s response to the Ending the Postcode Lottery Senate Report

Published 2nd June 2023

MCWH have written a summary report of the key citations and references, specifically in relation to the outcomes of the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health’s (MCWH) submission to the Senate Inquiry into Universal Access to Reproductive Healthcare and information provided by Dr Adele Murdolo, Executive Director (MCWH) at the public hearing in May 2023.

The Committee proposed a total of 36 recommendations. While all the recommendations can be applied to migrant and refugee women, the two recommendations referenced in this document refer specifically to a MCWH program (Health in My Language) and to one of MCWH’s key longstanding advocacy issues (the provision of pregnancyrelated care regardless of visa status).

Read our summary document here.

The full Senate Committee Report entitled Ending the Postcode Lottery, can be accessed here.