The WRAP #14 : Healthy Lives, Healthy Futures, Bilingual health education and 60 seconds with Mila Robles

September has brought us many new things, new season, new government, new expectations for the future. Spring is typically a time when everything is young and fresh, but being young and fresh is not always what it’s cracked up to…

Launch of the Culturally Responsive Palliative Care Community Education project

MCWH is very pleased to be part of the Culturally Responsive Palliative Care Community Education project, a collaborative project headed by Palliative Care Victoria and launched by the Health Minister, Hon. David Davis. The project will use best practice approaches…

Australian Human Rights Commission Roundtable in Melbourne on increasing CALD women’s voices

In 2011 the Australian Human Rights Commission hosted a successful study tour undertaken by the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women in Australia. You can read about the some of the outcomes of that tour, including the AHRC Report,…

Media Release: International seminar highlights invisibility of abortion as a federal election issue

Variation in abortion law among the states is not the only issue at stake for women in Australia. Today MCWH will host a visit by Dr Anu Kumar, Executive Vice-President of Ipas, a global nongovernment organisation dedicated to ending preventable…

Media Release: National project to assist communities affected by FGM/C

MCWH is focusing its national efforts on improving support and assistance provided to women and girls affected by female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). The development of a national website and best practice guidelines for the abandonment of FGM/C are at the…