Multicultural Champion and trainee marathon runner What are you enjoying doing at the moment? I have recently changed from working fulltime to part time and I’m loving it. I am really enjoying spending time with my children. I have also…
'Dealing with it myself': A new project to support working carers
MCWH has been funded by the Commonwealth Department of Social Services for an important new initiative focusing on people from an immigrant or refugee background who are in paid employment at the same time as informally caring for a family…
Celebrating International Women's Week
Emerging from the activism of immigrant and refugee women workers, International Women’s Day has become a special day for women around the world. This year, MCWH has joined with all the Victorian Women’s Health services to celebrate the entire week…
The WRAP #29: Celebrating diversity, one voice and 60 seconds with Monique Hameed
Laurence and Annie/flickr Happy new year WRAP readers! True, it is the end of February, but Chinese New Year has come around in perfect time for us to legitimately begin our first WRAP for the year by wishing you health…
Let’s hear it for diversity!
George A. Spiva Art Centre/ Diversity Mask Let’s face it, diversity is a good-news story. Diversity in our workplaces or government policies and frameworks not only brightens the day, but it actually means quite a lot for people who have…
One voice
Preventing the Practice of FGM/C in Primary Schools. Image by Jessica Lea/UK DFID We’ve all been guilty of it: voicing our dissatisfaction and anger at the things that are unfair and unjust and then proceeding to do nothing about them.…
60 seconds with Monique Hameed
Australian Indigenous Studies Tutor and MCWH Project Officer What are you enjoying doing at the moment? Working at the MCWH! Also I’ve been enjoying my work with the Undercurrent Community Education Project doing workshops around sex and consent in the…
Funding for Multicultural Centre to support FGM/C awareness
Today marks Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation Day. The Australian Government has taken this opportunity to announce funding of more than $265,000 for MCWH to deliver the National Education Toolkit for Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) Awareness (NETFA) project…
The WRAP # 28: Party Spoilers, 2014 Highlights and 60 seconds with Hale Yildiz
Can it be that we are at the end of another year? It feels like we have come a long way in such a short space of time. Thanks to everyone who has supported us this year, we feel like…
The Highlights of 2014
The end of the year can be strange mixture of merriment and mayhem and in the rush to wrap it up, we can lose sight of the many things that have already have been accomplished. And we’re not just talking…