This month we had the good fortune of spending a day surrounded by a group of amazing women who know a great deal about women’s rights, health and female circumcision. On International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting,…
AMES Student Retreat 2015
This is a second year in a row that MCWH multilingual health education program was part of the annual AMES female students’ retreat in Mt Eliza YMCA campsite. Over 100 women – English language students from all over Victoria- gathered at…
The WRAP #38- Bringing the Margins to the Centre
Welcome to the last WRAP of 2015! How this year has flown by. As we count down the nights before Christmas, we continue to do our own counting (and reflecting) as we draw closer to the midway point of 16…
Breaking with tradition
This time of the year our minds often turn to tradition. We start to see the overt trappings of a Western Christian tradition and culture all around us, in the snow-capped Christmas trees, the bright red of Santa’s wintery woollens…
Marginal or marginalised?
If we were in any doubt about it, this month has clearly demonstrated that the urgent need to prevent violence against women has well and truly reached both public consciousness and government attention. The international campaign for 16 Days of…
60 seconds with Mmaskepe Sejoe
Human rights advocate, bibliophile and early morning thinker What are you enjoying doing at the moment? Reading and just learning to take life easy. What is the best thing that happened to you today? I had coffee with a friend…
New international evidence on violence in immigrant and refugee communities
A review of international evidence published today has confirmed that migration helps make immigrant and refugee women more vulnerable to men’s violence against women. Violence occurs in all communities and cultures across Australia, but immigrant and refugee women face structural…
Our Voices, Changing Cultures Project published in Australian Mosiac magazine
Monique Hameed is the Project Officer for the Our Voices, Changing Cultures Project currently being run at the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health. This fantastic project works with young same-sex attracted women from culturally diverse immigrant and refugee backgrounds running theatre…
ASPIRE Project: Presenting at the Family Violence Has No Boundaries Conference
Our work on the ASPIRE Project – Analysing Safety and Place in Immigrant and Refugee Experience– led us to co-host a session at the Family Violence Has No Boundaries Conference, held at Melbourne Law School. Our BHE educator Manasi presented with…
MCWH in Melbourne Law School, Human Rights Law video
Human rights is something we place great emphasis on at MCWH and we were thrilled to meet Professor Dianne Otto, who is the Co-Director of Human Rights Law at Melbourne University Law School. Dianne visited us to see the work we…