It’s a little known fact but an important one: there are more people arriving into Australia as temporary migrants than there are recently arrived permanent migrants. As of December 2015 there were over 1 million people living in Australia on…
60 seconds with Shabnam Daliri
Community worker, international student and equality advocate What is the best thing that happened to you today? I talked to my big sister on Viber. She is my only sister, I do love her and she means everything to me.…
MCWH is recruiting for Board members
The Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) is inviting applications from suitably skilled and qualified women who are interested in joining the Board of Management. We would welcome applications from women with specific expertise in the areas of: Strategic business…
Submission to the Victorian Gender Equality Strategy (2016)
MCWH is proud to share our submission to the Victorian Gender Equality Strategy, which was endorsed by eleven regional and state-wide women’s organisations including: Women’s Health In the North; Women’s Health in the Southeast; Women’s Health East; Women’s Health West;…
Media Release: Reflecting Victoria’s diverse population: what the Royal Commission into Family Violence Recommendations need to ensure
The Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) commends the work of the Royal Commission into Family Violence and is pleased to hear there will be increased capacity for organisations to prevent and respond to family violence. Violence occurs across all…
Who cares for our carers?
Nurse, doctor, teacher, lawyer: professions many of us and, no doubt, our parents would have typically cited as the things ‘to be’ as a grown-up. But aged care worker? For many immigrant and refugee families, caring for the elderly isn’t something…
THE WRAP #39- The power of language, our take on the Royal Commission and workforce diversity, and 60 seconds with Yue Gao
The WRAP is back! The Chinese Year of the Red Fire Monkey already seems to be whizzing past us so we’re grateful for the extra day this leap year brings us! MCWH have been busy – we hosted our NETFA…
FGM: Focusing on Girls' Minds
There is power in words. Because words make meaning and can have concrete, practical effects on people’s lives: they can liberate or denigrate. There’s a reason why it’s more appropriate, for example, to refer to women who have endured violence…
Why do we need a diverse violence prevention workforce?
It’s a well-known statistic by now: nearly half (46.8%) of the Victorian population and almost a quarter of Victorians speak a language other than English (ABS 2011). The reality today is that cultural diversity is closer to mainstream than marginal. Logically, you…
60 seconds with Yue Gao
GAP Project Officer and aspiring pole-dancer What are you enjoying doing at the moment? Exploring the city with my parents who are visiting from China and enjoying being with them. If you were a super-heroine, what powers would you like to…