Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health’s Education Program was yet again facilitated in Mount Eliza, at the annual AMES Women’s Camp with 90 migrant, refugee, and asylum seeker women, who came to settle in Victoria from around the globe. Most of…
The WRAP #48- Giving a problem a name, informed choice and 60 seconds with Ruby
We close November with a sharp focus on domestic violence, as we kicked off 16 Days of Activism on November 25th, a date shared by White Ribbon Day and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. For…
Giving a problem a name
The 16 days of activism against gender-based violence are very special days in the political calendar. Right now, all over the world, including here at home, people are honouring women and girls, and recognising our right to live free of…
Informed choice is essential to early intervention
Health professionals have an important role to play to address violence. Doctors are a universal service and it would make sense that they would be the first point of contact for women seeking assistance for a number of health-related issues, including…
60 seconds with Ruby
ASPIRE Photovoice Artist and Persistent Wonder Woman What are you enjoying doing at the moment? I am enjoying being part of the ASPIRE Photo Project. It has been an amazing experience and I have been very fortunate to work with…
The WRAP#47- The transformative power of data, Elder abuse, and 60 Seconds with Melek Cetiner
October has certainly been far from boring. We watched closely as the same-sex plebiscite came and went and continue to watch as it comes back into play. We celebrated International Day of the Girl and Mental Health Week, prompting us…
The Transformative Power of Data
For the majority of teens living in high-income countries ‘data’ is generally associated with mobile phone plans. However, for many more young girls and women living in lower resourced countries around the world, data could literally mean the difference between…
Elder abuse: it’s not just about age
Ageing, as in the grey and wrinkly variety, is rarely spoken about in the youth-obsessed cultures of countries like Australia. The invisibility of older people in the public consciousness is a concern and when older people are treated unfairly and denied opportunities…
60 seconds with Melek Cetiner
Cross-cultural trainer and social justice warrior What are you enjoying doing at the moment? Spending time with my grandchildren and enjoy watching them enjoying the moment and appreciating the little things in everyday life. If you were a super-heroine, what powers…
THE WRAP #46: Intersectionality essentials, weighing up the costs of migration and 60 seconds with Neslihan Sari
As September draws to a close we are finally feeling the warm sun on our eyelids, the fragrant breeze in our hair, the gentle rain on our cheeks…and exhausted. Why is there still so much work to do?! In actual…