As the shortest month of the year comes to a close we look forward to March in anticipation of International Women’s Day and also our national NETFA forum. Both of these events remind us that when it comes to representation…
The route to real change
Reality TV is an odd indulgence. How many of us have not sat with interest and awe as we watch people play out some aspect of their lives on film, facing an array of challenges, from the extreme to the…
Comparing complexities
It’s not difficult to see why female genital cosmetic surgery (FGCS) is often drawn into comparisons with female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). The World Health Organisation defines FGM/C as all procedures that intentionally alter or cause injury to the female genital organs…
60 seconds with Dr Kudzai Kanhutu
Doctor, stargazer and pop lover What are you enjoying doing at the moment? Brushing up on my tennis game and learning to stargaze with our brand new telescope. If you were a super-heroine, what powers would you like to have?…
The WRAP #50- Women's Rights are Human Rights, Broadening our way of thinking, and 60 Seconds with Sarah Shakour
One month into 2017 and there is already so much to reflect on, discuss, lament, and debate. Donald Trump’s transition into power saw an unprecedented uproar in the form of women-led rallies and protests around the world. It seems Trump…
Women’s Rights are Human Rights
Those of us who support women’s reproductive rights watched with horror this month as the clock was suddenly turned back on women’s access to health care. Several days into Donald Trump’s presidency the ‘Global Gag Rule’ was reinstated, a signature…
Broadening our frame of thinking
It might just be another public holiday for some but for many more, Australia Day is becoming a topic of growing debate. The question being, why should it continue to be a national day of celebration when it more accurately signifies…
60 seconds with Sarah Shoukor
Mental Health Support Worker and Hogwarts School Graduate If you had a magic wand, what would you use it for? If I had a magic wand and was able to attend Hogwarts (still waiting for my acceptance letter) I would…
The WRAP#49 Sparkly Moments of 2016
After another busy year, December has us day dreaming of the languid, summer days ahead. And by ‘day dreaming of’ we mean ‘desperate for’) In case you missed it, this year at MCWH we’ve: Helped to shape the discussion about…
Sparkly moments of 2016
This year has been defined by election upsets and the ever increasing need for humanitarian aid in besieged parts of the world. For many of us, the globe has seemed to fall further out of balance, become colder and darker,…