The WRAP #58: Promoting positive media, collective leadership and 60 seconds with Lisha Constantino-Murphy

Last month we wrote about the possibility of a poll on same-sex marriage and this month, as we all know, it’s a reality. If you’d like to read or share our take on same-sex marriage click here. If you’re looking…

Free cross-cultural 'carers' training for health and allied professionals in the City of Monash

Want to improve your support of carers from a CALD background? Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) is offering it’s Beyond Cultural Competency course to professionals in the City of Monash who want to improve their support of carers from…

The WRAP #57: Marriage equality, reframing research and 60 seconds with Solmaz Yavari

This WRAP arrives in your inbox on a sad note with the passing of Victorian Minister for Women, Fiona Richardson last week. We have lost a fearless advocate for women across Victoria and everywhere. We’d like to share our deepest…