This year we have been featuring women who reflect on the past and the future for themselves and others as migrant women living in Australia. This WRAP we have the privilege to publish part of Michelle Law’s moving key note…
MCWH 40th Anniversary Gala
We did it! Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health has turned 40 and we are feeling stronger and healthier than ever! After many months of planning and counting down the days, last Thursday MCWH celebrated 40 years of history at our…
WRAP #69: Leadership, Ending endometriosis myths and 60 seconds with Mojo Juju
We are exactly a month away from our very special Gala night to celebrate 40 years of migrant women’s health in migrant women’s hands. It’s going to be decadent and we hope you can join us, not only to raise…
Looking at leadership differently
In the wake of renewed calls for gender quotas in Australian parliament, and awkward questions about whether the Liberal party has a “problem” with women, who among us wasn’t inspired to see 9-year old Harper Nielsen’s unambiguous leadership in raising…
Ending the myths about endometriosis
It’s often said that knowledge is power and when it comes to women’s health, having accurate information about the issues and options is essential for women to make informed decisions. Often, when we hear the words ‘informed choice’, the conversation…
60 Seconds With: Mo’Ju
‘Native Tongue’ was a big hit for you earlier this year, can you tell us about the inspiration behind the song? In a very personal sense, this song is about longing for connection to culture and the desire to belong.…
WRAP # 68: Women's activism, the problem with prevention and Then and Now with Rosa Vasseghi
For many of us, this month has been tough. With the onslaught of subtle and unsubtle hatred and violence directed against people from migrant backgrounds in our parliament, on our television sets, in our newspapers and on the streets, you’d…
Getting Activ(ist)
As we head into Women’s Health Week for 2018, it’s timely to think about those aspects of women’s lives that could change in order to improve our health and wellbeing. Many of us could do with a little more fresh…
Prevention is better than cure
Anyone who works in the area of prevention knows how hard it is to prove the link between that small change we could make today and the gigantic impact that change could make in a month, a year, a decade…
Then and Now with Rosa Vasseghi
Activist, creative and peacemaker. What were you doing in 1978? I was working in a big company in the South of Iran. The Islamic revolution in Iran began in 1979. When the new government took power they didn’t let me…