Australian Government, Department of Health has developed fact sheets about the flu vaccination in Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Punjabi, Tagalog and Vietnamese. You can read more about protecting yourself with the flu vaccination by using…
Family violence support information in Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Dari, Dinka, Greek, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Khmer, Korean, Macedonian, Persian, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese
Victorian Government has developed fact sheets about family violence support during coronavirus in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Dari, Dinka, Greek, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Khmer, Korean, Macedonian, Persian, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese. You can read more…
Quando la casa non è un rifugio
Excerpt from Il Globo By Susanna Burchielli Accessed: 4 May 2020 Allarme violenza domestica: isolamento, convivenza forzata e precarietà finanziaria i principali fattori scatenanti. Featuring MCWH Executive Director, Dr Adele Murdolo
‘Don’t miss those symptoms’: Australians urged to attend cancer appointments amid coronavirus drop off
MCWH Executive Director Dr Adele Murdolo weighed in on the challenges of using telehealth in an SBS News article about a significant coronavirus-induced drop in visits to GP and specialist services
WRAP #86: Migrant essential workers, the cost of reproductive healthcare and 60 seconds with Eman Al-Dasuqi
WRAP #86: Migrant essential workers, the cost of reproductive healthcare and 60 seconds with Eman Al-Dasuqi Welcome to our fourth edition of the year! Into our seventh week of isolation, we’ve been busy working together-apart. This month, we began running…
Our community’s life support
Our community’s life support There is good news: compared with other parts of the world, Australia is doing an excellent job of flattening the coronavirus curve. Latest surveys also suggest that while feelings of anxiety, stress and boredom have spiked,…
Counting the reproductive health costs of COVID-19
Source: Unsplash Counting the reproductive health costs of COVID-19 Remember the days before COVID-19? Back when we could move freely and access whatever healthcare we needed? Anyone following the situation for migrant women in Australia would know that even pre-COVID-19,…
There are fears coronavirus is stopping Australia’s migrant women from accessing abortions
MCWH Executive Director spoke with SBS News about how financial hardship caused by COVID-19 is impacting women across the country, particularly migrants who do not qualify for welfare support.
Staying active at home posters
New posters about staying active at home for you and your family.
Coronavirus and liver health fact sheets in English and Vietnamese
Fact sheets developed by Hepatitis Victoria