Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service has developed booklets about HIV in Arabic, Chinese, Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese. You can read more about HIV by using the links below: HIV: What you need to know-Booklet-English.pdf HIV: What you need…
Key Contacts in Migrant Women’s Prevention of Violence resource
For decades, migrant women have been preventing and responding to violence in migrant communities, fostering women’s leadership and holding men accountable to gender equality work. Yet, much of these efforts have been under-represented and under-funded. We are therefore so thrilled…
WRAP #87: Women’s sexual and reproductive health, violence against international students and 60 seconds with Hala Nasr
Dear WRAP-pers, Happy International Day of Action for Women’s Health! Today we are reminded to keep women’s sexual and reproductive health a priority on the COVID-19 response agenda. Although COVID-19 restrictions are slowly easing, migrant and refugee women’s barriers in…
WRAP #87: Keeping women’s health on the response agenda
Even before lockdown restrictions began to ease, many were already questioning whether the impact of the response measures has been worse than the impact of the pandemic itself. The economic evidence has shown that the current crisis has disproportionately affected…
WRAP #87: #HerNameIs
The red shoes protest in Mexico in 2020 against femicide. Credit: Canva Much has been written over the last few months about the significant hardship faced by Australian international students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Advocates have expressed concerns about the…
WRAP #87: 60 Seconds with Hala Nasr, Project Officer
Hala Nasr is a MCWH Prevention of Violence Against Women Project Officer What are you enjoying doing at the moment? I’ve been indulging in science fiction/dystopia shows lately (much to the happiness of my hubby). I realised that immersing myself…
THE MUSES PROJECT: Multicultural and settlement services supporting women experiencing violence
New evidence to support migrant and refugee women’s health, safety and wellbeing MCWH is proud to share the findings of new research we conducted in three Australian states about the current and potential role of settlement and multicultural services in…
دعم لغوي مجاني ومباشر لكل شخص من مُقدّمي الرعاية المٌهاجرين
إذا كنت تُقدم الرعاية لأفراد عائلتك، لأصدقاءك أو أعضاء مجتمعك من المصابين بمرض يؤدي إلى الوفاة قريباً، مثل مرض السرطان أو الخرف، وتريد الحصول على المزيد من المعلومات عن خدمات الدعم و/أوما يتوجب تحضيره عندما يقترب قريبك Multicultural Centre for…
Hỗ trợ miễn phí – trực tiếp – bằng chính ngôn ngữ cho người chăm sóc di dân
Nếu quý vị đang chăm sóc cho gia đình, bạn bè hoặc thành viên trong cộng đồng đang mắc bịnh hiểm nghèo, như ung thư hoặc mất trí nhớ, và muốn có thêm thông tin về các dịch vụ hỗ…
如果您正在照顾患有生命受限性疾病(如癌症,痴呆症,心血管疾病或者肾功能衰竭等)的家庭成员、朋友或社区成员,希望获得有关支持服务的信息,且/或想了解在您的家人或朋友在面对生命的最后时刻应做些什么准备,多元文化妇女健康中心(Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health, MCWH)现在为说中文的照顾者及您照顾的人士提供量身定制的一对一支持服务 .