Refugee Week

14 – 20 June is Refugee Week. There is a lot to learn about refugee experiences and many opportunities to show your support of refugee rights. We’re put together a small collection of resources for you: Refugee stories The Messenger…

PCOS fact sheets in Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Dari, Farsi, Hindi, Sinhala, Tamil and Vietnamese

Jean Hailes Women’s Health has developed fact sheets about polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Dari, Farsi, Hindi, Sinhala, Tamil and Vietnamese. You can read more about polycystic ovary syndrome by using the links below: Polycystic ovary syndrome-Fact…

Parenting arrangements and COVID-19 fact sheets in Arabic, Hindi, Nepali and Punjabi

Northern Community Legal Centre has developed fact sheets about parenting arrangements and COVID-19 in Arabic, Hindi, Nepali and Punjabi. You can read more about parenting and COVID-19 by using the links below: Parenting and COVID-19 arrangements-Fact sheet-English.pdf Parenting and COVID-19…

HIV information in Arabic, Chinese, Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese

Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service has developed booklets about HIV in Arabic, Chinese, Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese. You can read more about HIV by using the links below: HIV: What you need to know-Booklet-English.pdf HIV: What you need…

Key Contacts in Migrant Women’s Prevention of Violence resource

For decades, migrant women have been preventing and responding to violence in migrant communities, fostering women’s leadership and holding men accountable to gender equality work. Yet, much of these efforts have been under-represented and under-funded. We are therefore so thrilled…

WRAP #87: Women’s sexual and reproductive health, violence against international students and 60 seconds with Hala Nasr

Dear WRAP-pers, Happy International Day of Action for Women’s Health! Today we are reminded to keep women’s sexual and reproductive health a priority on the COVID-19 response agenda. Although COVID-19 restrictions are slowly easing, migrant and refugee women’s barriers in…