Moving beyond barriers: Why there’s no one size fits all to cancer screening

Breast Cancer is the most common cancer affecting women in Australia. However, Australia also has some of the best cancer survival rates in the world, largely due to extensive efforts to detect and treat cancer early. October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month which…

Why are the foundations of financial security falling short for migrant and refugee women?

Earlier this year, the federal government announced a new inquiry examining the role financial institutions play in identifying and preventing financial abuse and exploring reforms to help understand how Australia can best respond to this form of abuse. Although financial abuse affects…
White text on purple background. Media Release.

Media Release: Health in My Language COVID-19 Program to bring a new focus on Sexual and Reproductive Health for migrant and refugee communities.

The Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) has announced an important evolution of their national Health in My Language program, funded by the Commonwealth Government to run until June 2025.