Watch Dr Adele Murdolo being interviewed about the vaccination rates in lower socio-economic areas.
Rosie Batty joins family violence experts’ calls to prioritise preventing coercive control
Dr Adele Murdolo interviewed about preventing coercive control before it starts.
Call for prevention to be at the centre of coercive control solutions following National Summit
Dr Adele Murdolo made a statement supporting Respect Victoria’s call for prevention to be at the centre of coercive control solutions.
Migrant women’s health in migrant women’s hands
If our recently launched Sexual and Reproductive Health Data Report and ‘Act Now’ paper makes one thing clear, it’s that despite the many changes, there is much more work to be done.
COVID-19 vaccinations videos in Hindi, Karen and Nuer
Women’s Health Grampians, supported by the Victorian State Government has developed videos about staying safe and getting vaccinated in Hindi, Karen and Nuer. You can watch the videos about staying safe and getting vaccinated by using the links below: Stay…
COVID-19 vaccine for people affected by cancer fact sheets in Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese
Cancer Australia has developed fact sheets about the COVID-19 vaccine for people affected by cancer in Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese. You can read more about the COVID-19 vaccine for people affected…
Healthy living guide for young people in Simplified Chinese
LiverWell, Hepatitis Victoria has developed fact sheets about healthy living with liver disease in Simplified Chinese. You can read more about healthy living for young people by using the links below: LiverWell Healthy living guide for young people (English) fact…
A conversation guide fact sheets about mental health in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese
R U Ok campaign has developed fact sheets about mental health in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese. You can read more about R U Ok by using the links below: A Conversation Guide.…
Heavy periods videos in Arabic, Dari, Hindi, Mandarin and Vietnamese
Jean Hailes Women’s Health has developed videos about heavy periods in Arabic, Dari, Hindi, Mandarin and Vietnamese. You can watch these videos about heavy periods by using the link below: Heavy periods (English) video Heavy periods (Arabic) video Heavy periods…
Grants supporting multicultural communities to vaccinate and stay safe are open
$1 million is being provided directly to 21 organisations to communicate health messages to communities, including the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health.