MCWH in the Media

Antenatal care in Australia: what is it and why it’s important?

Executive Director of the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health, Dr Adele Murdolo, spoke to SBS about the importance of timely antenatal care, and why socioeconomic disadvantage can cause migrant women to access antenatal care at a much later point than other non-migrant women.

A guide to understanding your cervical screening test results in twelve languages

Australian Government and the National Cervical Cervical Screening Program has developed fact sheets about cervical screening test results in twelve languages. You can read more about understanding your cervical screening test results by using the links below: Your cervical screening…

Heavy menstrual bleeding in Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Dari, Hindi and Vietnamese

Jean Hailes for Women’s Health has developed fact sheets in Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Dari, Hindi and Vietnamese. You can read more about heavy menstrual bleeding by using the links below: Heavy menstrual bleeding (English) fact sheet.pdf Heavy menstrual bleeding (Arabic)…

Contraception choice fact sheets in Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Hindi, Spanish, Urdu and Vietnamese

The Women’s Hospital has developed fact sheets about contraception choices in Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Hindi, Spanish, Urdu and Vietnamese. You can read more about contraception choices by using the links below: Contraception choices (English) fact sheet.pdf Contraception choices (Arabic) fact…