We are pleased to present the MCWH Annual Report 2023 – 24: Experts in migrant and refugee women’s health.
Annual General Meeting and Annual Report 2022 – 2023
We are pleased to present the MCWH Annual Report 2022 – 23: Strengthening migrant women’s health and wellbeing for 45 years.
MCWH have a new Strategic Plan 2022-2026
We are excited to share our Strategic Plan with you!
Utilising our diverse workforce: How the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health evolved their national Health in My Language COVID-19 Program to bring a new focus on Sexual and Reproductive Health for migrant and refugee communities
Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) is delighted that migrant and refugee women will receive a funding boost of $1.57m over two years from today’s Victorian 2022/23 budget, for much needed women’s health programs specifically targeting migrant and refugee women across the state.
The Man Question event: Engaging migrant and refugee men in gendered violence prevention
What is The Man Question? It’s a conversation many are having about the role of men in preventing gendered violence, and one the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health invite you to explore with us at this event. If you’re a…
Advocacy to Action – Lessons from NETFA towards the elimination of FGM/C
February 6, the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), offers a chance for all those committed to ending FGM/C to celebrate progress, forge stronger ties and reinforce our commitment to advocating for the abandonment of the…
Now Hiring: Capacity Building Officer
Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) is a national, community-based organisation which is led by and for women from migrant and refugee backgrounds. We advocate and educate to strengthen the health, safety and leadership of migrant and refugee women and…
Protected: Looking for pregnancy information?
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Taking up our own fight: how migrant women are tackling workplace harassment
For years now, migrant and refugee women have taken up their own fights by drawing attention to the underlying patriarchy that enables the objectification, vilification and sexual violence of women in the workplace. Before Brittany Higgins’ precedent-setting case, Dhanya Mani,…
Is Medicare the universal system it claims to be?
The cornerstone of public healthcare in Australia, the Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS), celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. There is no doubt the Medicare system has advanced access to healthcare for countless Australians. However, while it continues to discriminate based…
Deeds not words: Men’s role in violence prevention
Australia’s National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children has a bold ambition: to eliminate gendered violence within a generation. It is clear that the primary prevention of gendered violence is key to the achievement of that ambition. There have been…
Whose lives are grievable?
In the 10 years since the Royal Commission into Family Violence was established, we have repeatedly heard phrases like, ‘national crisis’, ‘shockingly high rates of murder,’ and ‘the epidemic of violence against women’. The recent string of violent incidents has reignited…
Who has the right to rest, recover and heal?
As of June 30, the Victorian government’s Sick Pay Guarantee scheme will be over, ending a program which financially supported over 75,000 casual and contract workers to access necessary leave in order to rest, recover and care for others. The Australian-first initiative…