Leaders of the Future: An eSafety Project

For young women of colour and gender diverse people of colour, online harassment has become so commonplace it sometimes feels like the air that we breathe. It is never your job to navigate hostile online spaces alone. Scroll down to find our series of graphic art pieces and videos.  They were co-designed by young people of colour with the strength-based messages they want other young people to hear. We want to lead the way in standing up to online racism and sexism when we see it and when we experience it. Remember, we all have a right to keep claiming our space online.

Graphic art resources

Series of graphic images of women and gender diverse people of colour in black and pastel colours. Text: Protect your own energy. Your time and energy is valuable. You have a right to set boundaries and try a break if you need it. Fight the FOMO and be online with intention! You can curate your online experiences. You control privacy settings and boundaries. The block, delete and restrict buttons are your friend! Everyone’s safe space looks different and yours should be catered to you. It’s on them, it’s not on you. Everyone has a responsibility to make online spaces safer. Men and young boys are central to this conversation. Online safety is being able to live your daily life as your authentic self. Your opinion and your voice matter. Keep disrupting! There is no right way to deal with online harassment. You are the best person to decide what solution feels best for you.

Graphic carousel

Now You See It Webinar

A graphic recording of the Now You See It webinar which took place on 19 October 2022, followed by a video recording of the webinar featuring guest panelists:

  • Hanienah Lokman, a Malaysian-born psychology student with a passion for inclusive education and mental health.
  • Anna Louey, an actor, advocate and athlete who strives for representation of diverse faces in media and creative industries.
  • Sobur Dhieu, a first-year law student studying their Juris Doctor at the University of Melbourne.
  • Melis Layik, a Turkish born law student, English tutor and community advocate for women's rights, queer rights and mental health literacy.
  • Facilitated by Caitlin McGrane, Manager, Policy and Online Safety at Gender Equity Victoria.
A graphic capture of the Now You See It webinar which took place on 19 October 2022

About the Leaders of the Future eSafety project

Leaders of the future is a collaboration between the Multicultural Centre for Women's Health, Gender Equity Victoria and the Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) funded by the eSafety Commissioner. This project highlights the strength of young women and gender-diverse people of colour in navigating gendered, intersectional online harassment and hostility.

Young women and gender diverse people of colour in Australia can experience higher rates and intensities of online hate due to the compounding discrimination and prejudice based on their gender, race, and ethnicity. Until now, there have been limited online resources that are relevant to their needs.

If you need further support

The resources for this project were created and developed by people of colour and focus on strength-based messaging and strength-based images. However the topics of online harassment and hostility may be challenging and triggering. Please take care.

For a great starting point to get to know your online rights or to report online harassment visit: https://www.esafety.gov.au/young-people.

For e-safety resources in multiple languages check out: https://www.esafety.gov.au/diverse-groups/cultural-linguistic/translations.

If you'd like to access further emotional wellbeing and mental health support here are some support services:

Kids Helpline is a free, private, and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. Counseling is currently offered by phone 1800 55 1800.

Lifeline provides 24-hour crisis counselling, support groups and suicide prevention services. Call 13 11 14, text on 0477 13 11 14 (12pm to midnight AEST) or chat online.

Beyond Blue aims to increase awareness of depression and anxiety. Call 1300 22 4636, 24 hours/7 days a week, chat online or email.