July Training Program: Intersectionality 101

Intersectionality 101 is an interactive three-hour workshop to introduce intersectionality as a valuable concept and tool for community workers, health providers and policy makers. This workshop is suitable for those who want to ensure that their service delivery, project work and policy planning promotes gender equality and social justice.

Participants will leave with a clear understanding of what intersectionality is and isn’t, how intersectionality has impacted on the history and practice of feminism and the essential elements in taking an intersectional approach. Each participant will leave with a hard copy of “Intersectionality Matters: a guide to engaging immigrant and refugee communities in the prevention of violence against women”.

“This training has given me some new frames of reference – helping me articulate and make sense of concepts.”


MCWH Offices, 134 Cambridge St, Collingwood, Victoria 3066.


JULY 19th 2018 9:30 – 12:30 https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/workshop-intersectionality-101-expression-of-interest-tickets-47291470060

JULY 24th 2018 5:00 – 8:00 https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/workshop-intersectionality-101-expression-of-interest-tickets-47411443905

JULY 26th 2018 9:30 – 12:30 https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/workshop-intersectionality-101-expression-of-interest-tickets-47411477004

Click on the corresponding eventbrite link above to express your interest or email us directly at training@mcwh.com.au or (03) 9418 0915.


About the course

Intersectionality 101 is the first module in a series of six training modules on the theory and application of intersectionality in the prevention of violence against women. Modules are designed to be complimentary and taken in conjunction with each other, each building on the learning of previous modules. Each module is conducted as a 3 hour workshop.

If you are interested in other modules please get in contact to access a full program brochure. Discounts are available for those looking to book into two or more workshops.

“…it empowered participants to develop their own analysis. Everyone was able to contribute. It will help in my work as well as being valuable personal development.”


Why is our training program different?

MCWH training draws not only from the current evidence-base but also from lived experience. Our training is delivered by MCWH trainers and is grounded in our practical and professional experience, spanning 40 years of immigrant and refugee women’s health education programs, advocacy and leadership and cutting across issues of both race and gender equality. MCWH operates from an intersectional feminist approach and can share first-hand knowledge of how intersectionality plays out in policy and practice. We have expertise in making concepts accessible to a wide range of audiences and levels of expertise within organisations.