THE WRAP #46: Intersectionality essentials, weighing up the costs of migration and 60 seconds with Neslihan Sari

As September draws to a close we are finally feeling the warm sun on our eyelids, the fragrant breeze in our hair, the gentle rain on our cheeks…and exhausted. Why is there still so much work to do?! In actual…

Six things you need to know about intersectionality

Last week (19-21 September) the Australian Women Against Violence Alliance (AWAVA) and Our Watch held ‘Prevalent and Preventable’, an international conference on violence against women. The conference provided an important opportunity for service workers, community advocates, policy makers, researchers, government,…

The early bird

It’s difficult to make an argument against timely antenatal care. All the available research indicates that timely antenatal care leads to better health for mothers, fewer interventions in late pregnancy and positive child health outcomes.  In the case of pregnancy…

The WRAP #44: Feeling at home in the birthing suite, embracing hysteria and 60 seconds with Ozana Bozic

We’re officially over the mid-year hurdle and just like the Olympians, we’re warming up for the many exciting events we have planned for the second half of 2016. In this month’s WRAP we look at the importance of providing bilingual…