MCWH Bilingual Health Education Video
A story about survival by MCWH staff member Ozana Bozic
First published in ISSUE No 25 – WOMEN’S HEALTH LODDON MALLEE NEWS JOURNAL on 29 November 2007 This story reveals just some of the challenges that many immigrant and refugee women experience from the time of leaving their homeland…
The Scoop Winter 2017
In Brief
We hosted our first networking night at the MCWH office in Collingwood on the 25th May and it was a great success! Read more about the knowledge we shared and what you can expect next time! On April 7th, Multicultural…
Keeping busy
Health Education Program (HEP) MCWH Multilingual Health Education Programs have been delivering important health information to women from immigrant and refugee backgrounds since 1978. Programs are conducted in industry and community settings by highly trained and qualified Bilingual Health Educators,…
Around the office
We farewell our National Training Officer, Maria Hach. Maria joined MCWH in 2011 as a Health Promotion and Project Officer before beginning her training role in 2012. During her time at MCWH, Maria developed and implemented the nationally accredited Bilingual…
Comments example
Swimming hundreds of feet beneath the ocean’s surface in many parts of the world are prolific architects called giant larvaceans. These zooplankton are not particularly giant themselves (they resemble tadpoles and are about the size of a pinkie finger), but…
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