Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) is delighted that migrant and refugee women will receive a funding boost of $1.57m over two years from today’s Victorian 2022/23 budget, for much needed women’s health programs specifically targeting migrant and refugee women across the state.
Annual Report 2020-21
We are very proud to present our 2020-21 Annual Report: a vital connection for migrant women.
Budget Bid 2022/23: Equity and wellbeing for migrant women
MCWH is calling for meaningful investment in migrant and refugee women’s health and wellbeing in the next Victorian Budget.
Grants supporting multicultural communities to vaccinate and stay safe are open
$1 million is being provided directly to 21 organisations to communicate health messages to communities, including the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health.
Media release: Towards a Gender Equal Recovery: Jobs for Migrant and Refugee Women
A consortia of 12 Women’s Health Services and Gender Equity Victoria (GEN VIC) have employed 50 migrant and refugee women to form a rapid response workforce to train women to disseminate COVID-19 information and deliver multilingual women’s health education in…
New multilingual resources promoting respect within migrant and refugee communities
New multilingual resources about respect for 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence 2020.
A move toward equity and wellbeing for migrant women
Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health applauds the Victorian 2020/21 budget, which provides substantial moves toward an equitable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
È essenziale la diffusione di informazioni multilingue, non solo in inglese
By Il Globo Editorial Team Accessed: 6 August 2020 È essenziale la diffusione di informazioni multilingue, non solo in inglese. Dalla disoccupazione agli alloggi, dall’isolamento sociale alle violenze familiari. Featuring MCWH Executive Director, Dr Adele Murdolo
Media release: 1 week, 1337 calls to migrants in public housing towers
July 2020 From unemployment to housing, and increased social isolation to family violence, COVID-19 has affected the lives of migrant women in Australia. And yet, they have fewer opportunities to access culturally appropriate information and services in their own language.…
It’s time to listen to migrant women
A message from the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health Executive Director MCWH is extremely concerned about the health and wellbeing of migrant communities, particularly migrant women in the 11 ‘hot zone’ suburbs under Stage 3 restrictions, and public housing towers…