Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) is currently hiring for a Health Education Manager. This role is a full-time role scheduled for a 2 year appointment and is remunerated at SCHADS Award Level 7. MCWH is a hybrid office. The…
Our response to 2024/25 Victorian State Budget: A promising chance for Victorians to move ahead together
Today the Victorian government demonstrated a promising investment into women’s health and wellbeing by dedicating $18.3m over two years for Women’s Health Services to continue their critical work keeping Victorian women healthy and continuing to move Victoria forward toward gender equity. This allocation includes $1.49m for the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH).
Joint Media Release: Culturally-sensitive resources launched to address unacceptably high stillbirth rates
First Nations women as well as migrant and refugee women from communities disproportionately impacted by stillbirth have been involved in co-designing new culturally appropriate pregnancy resources, to save the lives of babies in their own communities. Stillbirth rates in…
Budget Bid 2024/25: Moving Ahead Together
MCWH is calling for meaningful investment in migrant and refugee women’s health and wellbeing in the next Victorian Budget.
New Director Roles (Now CLOSED)
****** THE APPLICATION STAGE HAS NOW CLOSED ****** MCWH is currently hiring for 3 new director roles. Each position is remunerated at SCHADS Award Level 8, pay point 1 – 3 depending on experience. Starting salary range is $120,338 -…
MCWH’s response to the Ending the Postcode Lottery Senate Report
MCWH have written a summary report of the key citations and references, specifically in relation to the outcomes of the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health’s (MCWH) submission to the Senate Inquiry into Universal Access to Reproductive Healthcare and information provided by Dr Adele Murdolo, Executive Director (MCWH) at the public hearing in May 2023.
MCWH reopens on 3 January 2023
Wishing our friends, families and followers a safe, healthy and restful year break.
Volunteer and internship policy
As a general rule, MCWH does not provide opportunities to volunteer with our organisation. We believe it is important to recognise and, whenever possible, remunerate migrant and refugee women for their work. Read more about our volunteer policy.
Our Reconciliation Action Plan 2022-23 Artwork
MCWH is proud to have worked with talented artist on our Reconciliation Action Plan 2022 – 23.
MCWH have a new Strategic Plan 2022-2026
We are excited to share our Strategic Plan with you!