Collecting data about the languages people speak at COVID testing can help us understand which sections of our community need additional information or support about the virus.
Building back better: An intersectional feminist approach to COVID-19 recovery
COVID-19 has laid bare the health, social and economic inequities between us, but it has also made us see how connected we all are. Recovery must build on those connections, strengthen them and deepen them, constructing the future on a solid foundation.
Victoria’s coronavirus information mistranslated and outdated for migrant communities
Excerpted from ABC News Live Blog by Erwin Renaldi and Jason Fang on the 27 October 2020. These criticisms of Victoria’s multilingual COVID-19 resources are not new.
COVID-19: Systemic barriers continue to impact on migrant women’s access to information
Dr Adele Murdolo joins ABC News Breakfast for an interview about migrant women’s experiences in accessing COVID-19 information.
Doctors fear COVID communication barriers in Melbourne’s north
Dr Adele Murdolo joins AM – ABC radio to talk about the systemic barriers migrant women are facing in accessing COVID-19 information.
Settlement Guide: The impact of COVID-19 on gambling behaviour
People from migrant and refugee backgrounds tend to gamble less than the overall population. However, the rate of gambling for some communities is said to be around five times greater than the wider community.
Reaching migrant women during COVID-19
Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health’s (MCWH) has adapted its existing health education model to ensure migrant women still have access to accurate health information during the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown.
【全球第一】澳洲有望 15 年内消除子宫颈癌
但多元文化妇女健康中心(MCWH)的默多洛医生(Dr Adele Murdolo)表示,本地有超过八成人是在修读中学过后的成人阶段才由海外移民到澳洲,因此可能根本尚未接受任何疫苗注射或有关癌症的教育。
Aiming to eliminate cervical cancer
A collaboration between the Australian Government, the Cancer Council and the World Health Organisation has set firm targets to eliminate cervical cancer.
È essenziale la diffusione di informazioni multilingue, non solo in inglese
By Il Globo Editorial Team Accessed: 6 August 2020 È essenziale la diffusione di informazioni multilingue, non solo in inglese. Dalla disoccupazione agli alloggi, dall’isolamento sociale alle violenze familiari. Featuring MCWH Executive Director, Dr Adele Murdolo