Why we need to listen to women to end FGM/C

If there’s one thing we’ve learned since we began the National Education Toolkit for Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting Awareness Project, it’s that talking about FGM/C in Australia is complex. It’s an issue that calls for an historical understanding, a shared language, and a more nuanced conversation than…
White text on purple background. Media Release.

Small Change, Big Impact: Women’s Health Services Network Collective Impact Report.

The Victorian Women’s Health Services Network are proud to launch Small Change, Big Impact: Women’s Health Services Network Collective Impact Report. The report captures the combined impact of the women’s health sector to advance Victorian women’s health and equality – a key part of Victoria’s public health infrastructure for four decades.

MCWH’s response to the Ending the Postcode Lottery Senate Report

MCWH have written a summary report of the key citations and references, specifically in relation to the outcomes of the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health’s (MCWH) submission to the Senate Inquiry into Universal Access to Reproductive Healthcare and information provided by Dr Adele Murdolo, Executive Director (MCWH) at the public hearing in May 2023.
White text on purple background. Media Release.

Our reaction to 2023/24 Victorian state budget: a promising investment into health and wellbeing for migrant and refugee women 

The 23/24 Victorian State Budget provides a welcome investment into women’s health and wellbeing. The women’s health initiatives announced in today’s budget have the potential to ensure that migrant women have the healthcare they need, where they need it, in their local areas.