The WRAP #24: Blue skies, sharing our strengths and 60 seconds with Uma Rani

Hello there WRAP readers, It feels like it has been ages since we last touched base … August has been a mixed month of consolidation and conferences, colds and flu. But blue skies are finally in sight! We’re starting to feel the love and leg-stretching…

Sharing our Strengths: Where to from here for FGM/C prevention?

  Last WRAP we lamented that your average, news-loving Australian is unlikely to learn about the complex issues related to ending female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) because, too often, that kind of complexity is pushed out in favour of some good-old heart-pumping,…

Media Release: Sharing Our Strengths National Symposium on Best Practice Approaches to the Prevention of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

There is no single approach to eliminate female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), but there are many approaches that do work best to end the practice.  This is the message at the core of the ‘Sharing Our Strengths’ symposium being held today.…