MCWH Executive Director spoke with SBS News about how financial hardship caused by COVID-19 is impacting women across the country, particularly migrants who do not qualify for welfare support.
Why community clinics are so important for Australia’s pregnant migrant women
MCWH Executive Director spoke with SBS News about the benefits of community clinics offering culturally-appropriate midwife care
Annual Report 2018-19
Read the messages from our Chairperson and Executive Director below or download the full annual report.
Call for Papers
Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health is hosting a 2-day national Multicultural Women’s Reproductive and Sexual Health Conference on 27-28 February 2020 in Melbourne. The conference will share current evidence, new research, and innovative and proven practices to contribute to and…
Submission to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health Services
MCWH is proud to advocate for better Victorian mental health services, support and access to information for migrant and refugee women.
We want you! Women’s Leadership Course in Sunshine
Are you looking for work or volunteer opportunities? Do you have an idea but don’t know how make it come true? We want you! Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health is running a Women’s Leadership course for immigrant and refugee women…
Gambling awareness brochures in Assyrian, Dari, Hazaragi, Punjabi, Tamil and simple English
MCWH has worked in collaboration with community organisations in Victoria, project partners and the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation to produce five new factsheets to raise awareness about gambling and potential harms related to gambling and gaming. “How does gambling affect…
Multilingual brochures about Hepatitis C: Good news about treatment in Vietnamese, Chinese and plain English
North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network and St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne have developed a colourful 2o page brochure called Hepatitis C: Good news about treatment, Viêm gan siêu vi C Tin Mừng về Điều Trị and 丙型肝炎 关于治疗方 法的好消息. The…
Can we all be feminists?
New writing from Brit Bennett, Nicole Dennis-Benn, and 15 others on intersectionality, identity and the way forward for feminism Edited by June Eric Udorie MCWH is excited to add this collection of essays to our library, featuring seventeen writers from…
Stay up to date with new multilingual resources for women’s health
Happy International Women’s Day to all the remarkable women who continue to leave their mark and create a better pathway for women all around the world. There is still work to be done –but let’s take this moment to…