Around the office



We farewell our National Training Officer, Maria Hach. Maria joined MCWH in 2011 as a Health Promotion and Project Officer before beginning her training role in 2012. During her time at MCWH, Maria developed and implemented the nationally accredited Bilingual Health Education Program. She was also responsible for various projects, including the Common Threads Sexual and Reproductive Health Research Report and Best Practice Guide  and Culturally Responsive Palliative Care Community Education Project. Maria leaves us for a good reason – she is completing a PhD thesis in Cultural and Gender Studies, which explores inter-generational trauma and affectivity of historical violence among Cambodian-Australian women. All the best Maria!


We also farewell Zubaidah Shaburdin, our NETFA Project Officer. NETFA achieved many milestones in its three year period, not least of which were the annual NETFA forums. Read more about the highlights of the 2017 forum in the link above. You can also access an array of resources in English and many other languages, plus the National Education Toolkit on the NETFA website. 

Rosi Wedding_small

We warmly congratulate our Project Officer Rosi Aryal-Lees, for her recent Nepali-Australian nuptials to now husband Steven Lees. As per Nepali tradition, a priest guided the couple through the ritual steps of worshipping Ganesh and the nine planets, exchanging rings, repeating seven sacred vows and sharing a short peace meditation with guests. A delight to witness for the 150 guests who had travelled from all over the country and the world to celebrate this truly memorable and special day.