AMES Student Retreat 2015


This is a second year in a row that MCWH multilingual health education program was part of the annual AMES female students’ retreat in Mt Eliza YMCA campsite. Over 100 women – English language students from all over Victoria- gathered at this serene location to stay for three days of fun and empowerment through various activities, sharing information, learning how to stay healthy and safe and navigating the Australian health system.



Health Education Program Manager Amira Rahmanovic said, “It was wonderful to see this kaleidoscope of different colours! Hearing the music and melodies of all different languages and dialects melt together in very powerful, bonding activities that appreciated our differences and valued them as the best gift this country of ours has!

Our educators Elizabeth and Manasi did a great job facilitating four workshops back to back with four groups of women who wanted to find out as much as they could at this event. It was delightful to see the participants light up with joy in finding out answers and learning about such important aspects of our life, health and well-being, in such a safe, women only, relaxed and respectful environment.


We would also like to acknowledge and thank our fantastic sponsors who gave us unprecedented donations for participant goody-bags this year and a big hats off to Carmela Ieracitano for taking the lead on and achieving this!


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We are looking forward to meeting more wonderful women next year at the same place and same enjoyable, happy state!

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*We’d also like to ackowledge T2, Key Sun Pty Ltd, Johnson & Johnson, Colgate Palmolive
