Tasmanian Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Advocacy Project Report

A new report funded by the Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services has been published as part of the national Points of Departure project initiated by MCWH.

The Tasmanian Project aimed to further increase advocacy skills through workshops with a further 105 women of immigrant or refugee backgrounds, and to support Tasmanian input to a United Nations strategy.

This report makes an important contribution to immigrant and refugee women’s research and advocacy in Australia, and MCWH sends our warmest congratulations to Yabbo Thompson, the project manager and report author. The project could not have happened without her long connections with the community, especially immigrant and refugee women, and her skills as a facilitator. Yabbo won the Tasmanian Human Rights Week award in 2012 for her significant contributions towards CALD communities.

Read the full report