Cervical screening during pregnancy in Arabic, Bengali, Indonesian, Korean, Mandarin, Mongolian, Nepalese, Portuguese, Rohingyan, Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese

South Eastern Sydney Local Health District has developed video clips about cervical screening during pregnancy in Arabic, Bengali, Indonesian, Korean, Mandarin, Mongolian, Nepalese, Portuguese, Rohingyan, Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese.

You can watch cervical screening during pregnancy by using the links below:

You can have a cervical screening test at any time during pregnancy (English) video

You can have a cervical screening test at any time during pregnancy (Arabic) video

You can have a cervical screening test at any time during pregnancy (Bengali) video

You can have a cervical screening test at any time during pregnancy (Indonesian) video

You can have a cervical screening test at any time during pregnancy (Korean) video

You can have a cervical screening test at any time during pregnancy (Mandarin) video

You can have a cervical screening test at any time during pregnancy (Mongolian) video

You can have a cervical screening test at any time during pregnancy (Nepalese) video

You can have a cervical screening test at any time during pregnancy (Portuguese) video

You can have a cervical screening test at any time during pregnancy (Rohingyan) video

You can have a cervical screening test at any time during pregnancy (Spanish) video

You can have a cervical screening test at any time during pregnancy (Thai) video

You can have a cervical screening test at any time during pregnancy (Vietnamese) video