THE WRAP #39- The power of language, our take on the Royal Commission and workforce diversity, and 60 seconds with Yue Gao

The WRAP is back!

The Chinese Year of the Red Fire Monkey already seems to be whizzing past us so we’re grateful for the extra day this leap year brings us!

MCWH have been busy – we hosted our NETFA forum to coincide with International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation in early February, which brought about some great insights and discussion regarding how we can educate communities in Australia in order to eradicate this practice.

We also continued our work in contributing to increased knowledge about domestic violence in immigrant and refugee households by presenting at the ANROWS conference, sharing our research findings from our ASPIRE project ‘Community-led responses to violence against immigrant and refugee women’, conducted in collaboration with Melbourne University researchers.

We’ll also be keeping a keen eye on new Australian of the Year David Morrison and hope that despite criticism of his white male status, he will do good things to promote gender equity and cultural diversity and continue the work of Rosie Batty on issues of domestic violence.

It’s good to be back!

Until next time,
The WRAP team