The WRAP #88: Black Lives Matter, Changing the trajectory on the digital divide and 60 seconds with Fortunata Maria Callipari

Dear WRAPpers,

What a big month it has been.

This June, we saw the Black Lives Matter protests burst across the world, calling for the end of systemic racism against black and Indigenous people. In Victoria, community transmissions have surged, revealing the many cracks and gaps in reaching migrant and refugee communities with multilingual information.

In this edition we reflect on the black and Indigenous feminists who have paved the way for us to strengthen our anti-racism practice. We write in solidarity with the Black, Indigenous and People of Colour fighting for a safer world.

During these trying times we also envisage an an alternate ending to COVID-19, where migrant women’s health and wellbeing are centred within government policies and health protection strategies. One could dream, but at MCWH we act to ensure that all migrant women get the multilingual information they need.

Finally, we end this issue with a fun 60 seconds interview with the brilliant Fortunata Maria Callipari from the City of Whittlesea. We talk pickles, jobs and of course, feminism.

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Until next time,
The WRAP Team