WRAP #81: Putting faith in gender equality, sexual and reproductive health, 60 Seconds with Gagan Kaur Cheema

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Things are heating up around here with Diwali at our doorstep, the 16 Days of Activism on the horizon, and the promise of a short sprint to the end of the year.

So it's the perfect time to start this WRAP with a warm invitation to join us next February for our very own Sexual and Reproductive Health Conference in Melbourne. We are excited for the opportunity to bring together researchers and practitioners from across Australia to Advance the Evidence on migrant and refugee women's health as a priority issue. Because it is a priority, as you'll read in our first piece.

Our early bird registration and call for papers is open until November 10, so get typing!

If that wasn't enough to get you fired up, for Sikhs everywhere, this November is a special anniversary for their founder Guru Nanak, and for this WRAP it has inspired us to think about what great faith-leaders can do for gender equality!

To top it all off, we spent 60 seconds with a brilliant woman who truly warms our hearts, MCWH Bilingual Health Educator Gagan Kaur Cheema.

Until next time,
The WRAP Team