Annual General Meeting and Annual Report 2022 – 2023

We are pleased to present the MCWH Annual Report 2022 – 23: Strengthening migrant women’s health and wellbeing for 45 years.

Cover of the MCWH Annual Report 2022 - 23. Colourful illustration of 13 women and gender diverse migrant women people in a range of advocacy settings. Some are able bodies, some have visible disability (wheelchair user) they hold health related flyers and intersectional feminist posters.

MCWH is proud to present our Annual Report for 2022 - 23.

We are extremely grateful to the migrant and refugee communities, staff, funders, the MCWH board, stakeholders and members who we've had the pleasure to work alongside this year.

We also value the immense talent of  Ismawi Design whose art and design brought this annual report to life.

Click this link to read a PDF copy of the MCWH Annual Report 2022 - 23

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At our annual general meeting on 16 November 2023, the following MCWH Board members were re-elected for another term:

Mercedes Colla, Agata Bober, Dr. Nisha Khot, Lucia Li, Sandra Lordanic, Penny Underwood, Dr Adele Murdolo

The financial report was presented by our Treasurer, Mercedes Colla and approved by members.

Dr Tamara Kwarteng stepped down as chairperson of the MCWH Board and remains as a valued board member.