Strengthening Our Collective Knowledge Project

What is Strengthening Our Collective Knowledge about?

Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health is working together with migrant and refugee women from different backgrounds and faiths, to share relevant messages about violence against women with their communities in more meaningful ways.

Why this project is important

We have noticed that there are not many violence prevention resources that have been developed by, or in close consultation with, migrant and refugee women. This project aims to fill this gap and value migrant women’s expertise

To prevent violence against all women and promote gender equality in all communities, we need to involve migrant and refugee women as leaders in prevention.

The best way to reach communities is to invest in community-led prevention activities and resources that are co-designed with multicultural communities to ensure greater reach and engagement.

How this project will make a difference

This project will:

  • Empower a group of Victorian migrant and refugee women to lead the design and delivery of violence prevention activities
  • Build knowledge and experience around community-led approaches and strategies to prevent violence against women in specific communities
  • Generate up-to-date, evidence-based, accessible and meaningful violence prevention information and resources to multicultural and faith communities.

Latest Resources

As part of the ‘Strengthening Our Collective Knowledge’ Project, MCWH has published 4 new videos in Thai on identifying different forms of family violence and what services are available to support those who have experienced family violence in Australia. Watch them below:

This project is funded by the Victorian Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.

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